Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are the things I should consider while selecting mutual funds?

There are several factors you need to consider when you are choosing mutual funds. This includes your investment objectives, financial health and risk-taking capacity. While researching a suitable scheme, don't forget to compare risk ratios and past performances of the shortlisted schemes.

2. How much should I invest in SIP?

The answer to this varies from one investor to another and primarily depends upon your investment tenure and requirements. If you invest more money into a scheme, you will be able to fulfil your objectives faster than you think. You can also use an online SIP calculator to figure out the amount you ought to invest to reach your goals within a specific time.

3. What is a folio number?

A folio number is an investor’s account number in a mutual fund. In other words, it is the number under which your mutual fund units are recorded in the Unit Holders’ register. Generally, mutual funds have a master folio number, and investors' unit holdings are categorised under a common folio number. This alleviates the need to remember numerous folio numbers.

4. Can I invest in mutual fund units in cash?

Yes, you can, but you should be mindful of the guidelines. An investor can make cash investments only up to ₹50,000 in a mutual fund in a financial year. But, investors cannot receive repurchase or dividend payments in cash. Instead, they will receive a bank draft or cheque, or the amount will be directly credited to their bank account.

5. What happens to investors’ money when a mutual fund scheme is wound up?

Fund houses must refund the value of the investor’s outstanding units at prevailing NAV to the investors whose names are recorded in the Unit Holders’ Register. They arrive at the value after adjusting all necessary expenses. Moreover, they are required to furnish a detailed report on the winding up of the scheme.

Earn up to 9.50% interestUp to ₹5 lakh is insured by DICGC